Start kit large har tillväxtambitioner.
Start kit Large is the growth alternative for the 8000 solution. It contains the
largest possible CPU-card with link possibilities, a base station card and also
an 16 analog interface card for analog PBX systems.
Lägg sedan till funktioner för ett SIP-kort och IP-baserade basstationer och du
have a very powerful start kit for the largest possible solution and something
to really grow into.
- 1 st CWS8000 rackenhet, för 8 kort
(900 90 40)
• 1pc CPU card with link option (900
90 45)
- 1 st CWS8000 basstationskort (900
90 41)
- 1 st CWS8000 IWU-16 analogt kort
(900 9042)