How should students and staff act if the school is faced with a threatening situation?
School shootings are extremely rare in Sweden, armed violence is uncomfortable to talk about and you don’t want to worry staff, students and parents unnecessarily. However, if the incident does occur, the consequences can be significant and severe, so the issue must be taken seriously.
In emergencies, there is no time to wait for help and you must act immediately. Crisis preparedness with clear procedures is therefore important, and many schools also carry out exercises to be better equipped. In some cases, the best option is to evacuate, and in other cases to evacuate. The booklet “Väpnat våld i skolan” provides tips on how to deal with emergency situations.
- Evacuation is most common in case of fire or danger where it is directly inappropriate to stay indoors. It is also often the safest option for those who are already in the stairwells and school grounds, and if it is judged that the perpetrator will not notice the evacuees.
- Containment is the opposite of evacuation and involves students and school staff staying indoors and hiding in classrooms or other suitable spaces. They lock up, switch off the lights, keep quiet and stay away from windows and doors.
- Exclusion is an option when the violence occurs in the schoolyard and it is considered safest to exclude the perpetrator. Locking all entrances prevents violence from spreading into or between buildings.
Larmsystemet kan bestå av olika signaler såsom högtalande meddelanden med instruktioner eller hemliga kodord, men även integration mot hörslingor för de som har hörhjälpmedel. Olika utrop kan fördelas till olika zoner – vissa kan behöva utrymma, medan andra bör stanna där de är. Med hjälp av våra smarta lösningar kan man även använda detta system i sin dagliga verksamhet för att på så sätt skapa ett stort mervärde.
Varje situation är unik och man kan inte förutse ett händelseförlopp, men en genomtänkt plan för hur larm och kommunikation ska fungera i en krissituation ger i alla fall en bra förutsättning. Vi skräddarsyr därför våra lösningar efter den enskilda skolans krisplan, lokaler och förutsättningar – för högsta möjliga säkerhet.